Sunday, 18 April 2010

Creating an Advertisment

After looking through many local newspapers and analysing the advertisements used, I sussed that most are for local businesses and companies. With this knowledge I thought to create my own revolving around a fictional local company which I would come up with. I decided to develop mine around a local restaurant, and the advertisement would serve as a coupon for customers to use to gain 10% off with their meal.

I knew the first step was to come up with a company name. I decided to make this restaurant a Spanish restaurant and bar, and with this in mind I came up with the restaurant name Gourmet, which associates very well with food. With this now in mind, I knew I had to create a memorable logo, after looking at some Spanish restaurant logos online, and I picked two of my favourites, as shown below:

Logo One

I liked the colours used in this logo and also the shape, I thought these were very good design features. From this one I decided to use the colour yellow for font and also to have my logo as a circle.

Logo Two

I liked the fork image in this logo as I thought it connected very well to the idea of a restaurant. So from this I decided to incorporate the image of a fork in my own logo design.

I decided to take a picture of a crossed knife and fork as I knew I could not draw a knife or fork very well, so i thought this would look more professional. The image is shown below:

After this I decided that I wanted to make the logo less complex, so i wanted to make the image a cartoon. I used photoshop to achieve this by using the cutout effect, as shown below:

I then flipped this so it was right way up and drew a simple circle of the matching background colour as the image in photoshop. This then made the simple base of my logo. This is shown below:

I then wanted to add text, so after browsing through many different fonts I decided that the Copperplate Gothic font looked very traditional and so therefore matched the restaurant very well. I added the restaurant name in the yellow colour I decided on earlier, and this was my finished logo:

After doing this I wanted an image to accompany the logo on the advert, so I took an image of a dish of food, as shown below:

Using photoshop I decided to combine this with my logo on a black background and used the gradient tool to blend the image to the background which I think created a much more professional look to the advert. I then added text in the same font used for the advert but changed the colour to white to make it stand out more. This is my completed advert:

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