Sunday, 18 April 2010


My next task was to develop around nine articles that would be in a local newspaper. To do this I investigated from several local newspapers and local; newspaper websites the kind of articles that they featured.

Most revolved around local events, and over half of the articles I looked at were to do with the subject of crime. A few covered local events and happenings and a few covered human interest stories. With this information, I came up with nine separate article subjects that I could use in my newspaper.

1. A body being found in the local area, which would very conventional of a main front-page story.

2. A local boy saving an old woman, which will be used as a feature article on the front page.

3. A dog saving a local couple, which will be used as a feature article on the front page.

4. A fight taken place in a local club, which will be more of a sub-article as it is only a small story.

5. An accident in a local supermarket, which will also be a sub-article.

6. A cashpoint fraud warning concerning the local area, which will be a sub-article featured on the front page.

7. A local celebrity article, which will be a sub-article shown on the front page.

8. The local Council introducing a change to the community, will be my second page story, as it is important local news, but less exciting, so would not be on front page.

9. The building of a hotel in the local area, will be a second page story, as it contains a lot of local opinion, but is only a small story so would not fill the front page or alert much attention.

Keeping these article idea in mind I studied several stories to see how a local newspaper would address the different issues. After learning this I decided to use a non-biased stance in each situation, as this is the convention that most local newspapers take. For each article I tried to use an interesting but vague header to gain interest in the article so they would read on.

Now aware of my articles I need to take photos to accompany some of the main articles.

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