Friday 29 January 2010

Existing Newspaper Analysis

Before I am able to design and create my own newspaper, I will need to and analyse already existing local newspapers, so I can not only collect ideas for my own, but also to find out what components work, what ones don't and how to fit the conventions of a local newspaper.


The nameplate uses serif text, which gives the impression of being more traditional. It attracts the attention of the reader's eye with centering the text. With my own newspaper, I do not want to give off such a traditional impression, as I wish to create a more modern image, so I plan to use san-serif text for my nameplate.

The newspaper then uses images for feature articles on other pages to attempt to connect the reader's interest in other articles to push them to read more than the front page and buy the newspaper. It uses bright attractive images/photographs to draw in the eye. i think this is a very good design feature that would make my newspaper appear much more conventional and also more realistic. Advertisement is also apparent within a feature article image, wherein the reader is promised the chance to win a sum of money or some sort of prize, which would therefore persuaded the reader to buy the newspaper.

This is then followed by the main headline of the front-page article, using capitalised and bolded large text. This immediately draws in the reader's eye. It uses a short statement to attract attention and create interest. In this example the headline develops interest by using only a small snippet of information without explanation, the reader will want top read on. I think the use of bolded and capitalised text would be a good design feature to follow, as well as the use of creating interest by the headline.

The article body itself, uses a four column format followed by notifying the reader that the article will be continued on another page. I think that four columns are slightly too many as I want to keep my format a lot more simple and easy to follow. However I do plan on using the "continued on page" feature, so the reader will want to finish the article and therefore must flick through the rest of the paper.

The next feature used on this paper was an advertisement placed at the footer of the page. It used an image with informative text. This colour image attracts attention from the reader and the advertisement helps support the local newspaper and also create a much more interesting and attractive page. I hope to use this type of feature on my own newspaper, but using my own made-up company and images.


This local newspaper's nameplate uses colour, which is unlike the previous paper. I liked the thought of using colour to create a more logo-istic feel to the nameplate, resulting in a memorable logo and name of the paper. It also uses typography such as making Maldon smaller and above Standard. to create a more interesting image and also creates a sense of addressing the local area (Maldon) but then setting itself apart from other Maldon papers by making Standard very large.

This is followed by the standard date, email address, and price, which follows the convention of a general paper by stating this directly under the nameplate. I will defiantly follow this convention to establish it as a newspaper.

Featured articles are then directly under, using colour and images with a small snippet of article information, generating interest and attract from the reader.

It also uses a formatting feature of placing small article snippets to the right-hand side of the paper, away from the main article, allowing the reader to assess exactly what they will get from the whole paper. Directly across from this is the front-page article's headline which is set in bold using sans-serif text, creating a more modern image. This main article is boxed off from the rest of the front page of the paper, which I think is a good feature of this paper as it attracts the attention f the reader and makes it a lot less confusing without having to take away any other features. The main article uses a colour photograph also attracting the reader's attention and will be relevant to the main article.

Advertisements are also placed under this main article, which seems to be a convention of local newspapers.


This paper shows the use of images in the nameplate, I think the use of the realistically shaped union jack reflects the context of the paper and also sets a quite traditional impression of the paper, which is then backed up by the use of serif text. The nameplate is formatted to the left of the paper, which is where people automatically start to read from.

This paper uses elegant photo manipulation of overlapping the feature article image over the nameplate which I think creates a very elegant and professional look to the paper. It allows a left of the page preview on small snippets of everything that will be inside of the paper, using images and typography features such as bolding to attract attention.

The main front page article is centered drawing in the main attention, with a picture atop the headline, which I think creates the effect of creating a little interest in what the story could be before moving onto the headline which will explain it a little bit further, before the reader wishes the read the main body. I think this a nice order developing interest in stages.

On the footer of the page an advertisement is once again used with a colour image to attract the attention.

Monday 25 January 2010

Main Elements of a Local Newspaper

In the above image I have shown a basic layout/format for a local newspaper.
There are different combinations and formats that could be considered, but for the sake of example I chose to design a simple layout with only the main features.


The nameplate of a newspaper will be not only the name of your newspaper, but also the logo. An attractive, simple and clear nameplate is important, as it will be what my paper will be mainly recognised for and thus it is very important that the audience can read it. It should draw in the auidences' eye by being simple yet effective. It is usually placed at the top of the page to make sure it is one of the first things the reader sees.


The date/website/price are quite important and imformative features of a newspaper and thus is placed right under the nameplate.


The main purpose of the headline is to attract attention from the audience. Most often in bolded and all capital form to attract even more attention. The headline acts to entice the audience to read the following article. It will be a short sum of the article, enticing interest. It may be followed by a longer subheading, usually in smaller font size, adding extra information to the headline.


This will be a relevent picture to the article that will follow. It will not usually completely part the headline from the body text, but more often shifted slightly to the side, so not to interupt and cut-off the reader as they read downwards from the headline. The image will attract the readers and plays an important role of making the front page attractive.


This will be the actual article, parted in neat collumns from two to usually only four. The article on the front page will often be cut-off and leave the reader to continue the story on a another page, which will be directed to them.


These will be short snippets of other articles within the newspaper, which are often a lot shorter and obtain less coverage than the front page article. They are to entice the audience to purchase or read the paper further, most often after they have read the front page article.


In local newspapers, these will usually be for local companies and buisnesses, which reflects the audience of the paper being local. It also catches a reader's eye.